Cardinal Pole Alignment and the New Precision
Let us examine the question of alignment, and this will bring us to India’s role. Researchers are aware that the Great Pyramid is perfectly aligned to the four quarters – similar to Hindu Temples. Regarding the Great Pyramid the alignment is astronomically precise to an unparalleled degree. But the point that perplexes researchers is why such an effort would be made to secure this Cardinal Pole alignment. To accomplish the task today it is recognised that the astronomical effort (quite literally) would be too costly to undertake; more particularly, what would be the point? The scientist of today does not understand why alignment of this sort would be required. And without a practical purpose or application, why invest? What ‘returns’ could be expected? Our world does not permit non-applicable science, however marvellous it may be. Science must be geared to an ultimate utilisation, be it war or peace, be it theoretical or technological.
          The question of alignment was crucial to the function of the Great Pyramid in that it was the age of space conquest. Not as we conceive of such a conquest today. To understand we need only connect the process to the time alignment of the Mother’s original vision and plan. Then the purpose of the pre-pharaonic Egyptian contribution becomes clear. We discover a very different consciousness at work – indeed, involving a new precision, one of Space, the other of Time. And both are linked. Without the Mother’s plan and what is recorded in these Chronicles, the Egyptian conquest would have been in vain. The answer to the riddle of the Sphinx lies in the revelation of this great mystery.
          The Great Pyramid is, in a sense, an empty shell at present. Its core no longer exists. Alignment remains and something of the larger configurations of its mass, but certain key elements that activate the structure are missing. One is the apex pyramid at the tip, proportionate to the whole; the other is the contents of the now empty rectangular box in what we refer to as the King’s Chamber. Apart from these there are other important items without which the purpose of the structure cannot be fulfilled. Indeed, its purpose IS being fulfilled by the fact that it has endured so that the connection can be made with the Mother’s work in no uncertain terms, just as these Chronicles reveal. In a sense we could consider the Mother’s Egyptian ancestry in this lifetime to have been vindicated by her gift to humanity in a direct line across the ages to pre-pharaonic Egypt. 

Integration of the One and the Many
The Age of Leo did not demand an integration of the One and the Many. Indeed, construction could be carried out on the basis of a select body of Initiates, and successfully, as the extant monument proves. The demands of the Age of Man (Aquarius) are different. It is required that a more universal involvement be attained. These Chronicles are for the specific purpose of furthering that wider purpose.
          The Age of Aquarius demands a universal uplifting. Globalisation is not merely a word reserved for economic policies. It covers a broader spectrum. But even the totality of the Earth is not covered by the sense and purpose of the Aquarius ideal. Cosmicisation is required. The universal uplifting implies what the ancients knew and which must be reinstated: the Earth must find her place within the cosmic family she is a part of; indeed, she occupies a privileged place in this solar system of 9 + 1. It is only on this third planet from the Sun that the Supramental Manifestation can take place, or that the Line of Ten Avatars, Vishnu’s emanations, can make their periodic appearance. For the Manifestation to be complete, this very understanding must be the foundation of the new ‘global’ consciousness.

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